Aqui El Que Baila Gana

Posted on Dec 20, 2010

The beloved Cuban band Juan Formell y Los Van Van hit Yoshi’s San Francisco for four days of exciting shows the week of December 9th-12th. There was some doubt that the band would make it through their first tour in over 7 years due to legal issues and delayed visas but there they were on stage playing in front of standing room only crowds. Los Van Van were musically awesome, charismatic and ruled the crowd from the first notes of “Aqui El Que Baila Gana” to the grand finish of “Te Pone La Cabeza Mala”. The front vocal line of Mayito, Roberton, Yenny, Lele and Juan Formell himself (on coro and electric bass for “Muevete”) had the crowd totally involved by singing, dancing and waving their hands in the air. They were one of the tightest ensembles who perform with astonishing precision that this reviewer has seen in quite some time.

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